Codex Body Square

I am interested in relationships between Man, Nature and the Divine. Codex symbolises the common energy code in all things.

‘The artist’s interest is focused on the energy that circulates between the object and the body, between the physical item and the living, and explores the boundaries of existence and eternity. This contrast and polar coexistence are accentuated by pailettes and later crystals fixed to acrylic, which are rising from the two-dimensional surface of the canvas. Through releasing from the two-dimensional surface and directing towards the third dimension, we enter the space of metaphysical energy surrounding us and the objects. Symbolically, ZeVu gives life to a canvas, contemplates the existence and duality of its duration and explores the relationship between man, nature and spirit. This knowledge comes to the artists through meditation that triggers visions, influences communication and dialogue, concept and ideas emitted by the final art object.’  Nina Vagic

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